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Choosing an Interpreter Education Program

CASLI Recommendations

When deciding which Interpreter Education Program (IEP) to apply for, consider the following factors. CASLI recommends that the program have:

  • a strong commitment and level of involvement from the local Deaf community (i.e., is the Deaf community represented in program advisory committees, are a variety of community members invited to be language models in the classroom, and does the Deaf community work with students during practicum)
  • trained and qualified instructors, Deaf and hearing (i.e., bachelors degree, preferably in related disciplines such as Education, Linguistics, ASL, etc.)
  • instructors who are Active members of CASLI, as well as, members in other related organizations such as CIT, RID, CAD, CCSD, etc., and who attend the conferences and gatherings of these associations
  • hearing staff who are interpreters who have successfully completed the American Sign Language / English Certificate of Interpretation (COI) conferred by CASLI
  • a strong curriculum, fully-developed and in place, ready to apply; (including very clear and measurable entrance and exit criteria); curriculum based on current trends, teaching and research in the field of interpreting
  • a large community of working interpreters to assist in training and to act as supervisors for students during practicum placements
  • a community able to provide a variety of employment settings for field placement
  • adequate resources, including comprehensive text & video materials, audio & video equipment, as well as, other academic and support services for students

When deciding on applying to a program, the above points reflect just a few areas you may wish to inquire about. Be sure to investigate thoroughly the choices available to determine which program will best meet your needs and aspirations.

Interpreter Education Programs Currently Offered in Canada

British Columbia

Sign Language Interpretation Program Diploma

Vancouver Community College


VCC Broadway campus

1155 East Broadway

Vancouver, B.C., V5T 4V5

Department Head: Barb Mykle-Hotzon

Phone: 604.871.7546


Red River College Polytechnic 

ASL-English Interpretation Program:

Notre Dame Campus

2055 Notre Dame Avenue, Room A106D

Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0J9

Chair: Dr. Ginelle Giacomin


Honours Bachelor of Interpretation (ASL - English), C302

George Brown College 

St. James Campus

200 King Street East, PO Box 1015 Station B

Toronto, Ontario M5T 2T9

Coordinators: Corene Kennedy and Rhondda Reynolds or (416) 415-5000 ext. 3261 (voice) or (416) 415-5000 ext. 3426 (voice)


Diploma: Majeure en interprétation francais-LSQ  (French-LSQ)

Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)

Majeure en interprétation français-langue des signes québécoise

Département de linguistique

C.P. 8888, Succursale Centre Ville,

Montréal, Québec  H3C 3P8

Contact: Nathalie Genest

Phone 514 987 3072

Nova Scotia

Diploma in ASL-English Interpretation

Nova Scotia Community College

Ivany Campus

80 Mawiomi Place

Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 0A5

Contact: Dr. Beverly Buchanan, Program Manager

Text number – 782-409-5659

Additional Interpreter Education Programs Recognized by CASLI

Current CASLI membership criteria for ASL-English and LSQ-French Active membership requires the applicant to be a graduate of a CASLI-recognized IEP or for Student members to be enroled in a CASLI-recognized IEP. The list above represents current IEPs within Canada, all of which are recognized by CASLI for the purposes of membership approval. The list of IEPs below consists of the programs shown above as well as other IEPs recognized by CASLI as valid for the membership criterion for new members**

The reason for two lists is because the list above is current Canadian IEPs and the list below, which duplicates the list above as well as including additional IEPs, represents all of the programs that CASLI recognizes for the purpose of membership approval. The programs shown below are either former Canadian programs that are no longer offered (but were recognized as meeting the membership criteria when they were offered) or they have been through the CASLI International IEP Review Process and deemed equitable to the currently recognized programs. 

  • Academy Canada
  • American River College
  • Atlantic Centre for Disabled Students (Saint Mary's University)
  • Augustana University
  • Austin Community College - Associate of Applied Science Degree
  • Cambrian College/College Boreal
  • Camden County College - Associate Degree
  • Columbia College Chicago
  • Columbus State Community College - Associate Degree
  • Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania
  • Community College Of Baltimore County
  • Community College of Philadelphia
  • Douglas College**
  • Eastern Kentucky University
  • Gallaudet University Masters of Arts in Interpretation Program
  • George Brown College**
  • Grant McEwan Community College
  • Idaho State University
  • Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
  • Lakeland College**
  • Liberty University - Bachelor of Arts Degree Program
  • Madonna University
  • Mt. Aloysius College
  • Northeastern University
  • Northern Essex Community College
  • Nova Scotia Community College**
  • Oakland Community College
  • Palomar College
  • Phoenix College
  • Portland Community College
  • Red River Community College
  • Red River College/University of Manitoba**
  • Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Salt Lake Community College
  • San Antonio College
  • San Diego Mesa College
  • Seattle Central Community College
  • Sheridan College
  • Spartanburg Community College
  • St. Catherine University
  • St. Clair College
  • St. Louis Community College
  • Tarrant County College
  • Troy University
  • Université du Québec a Montréal (UQAM) - Certificat en interprétation visuelle (for Active LSQ-French membership)
  • University of Arizona (BA of Science in Education)
  • University of Arkansas at Little Rock
  • University of Hawai'i - Kaoi'olani Community College
  • University of New Hampshire
  • University of New Mexico (BSc)
  • University of North Florida (UNF)
  • University of Northern Colorado
  • University of Southern Maine
  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Utah Valley University
  • Vancouver Community College Para-Professional Program
  • Western Oregon University
  • William Woods University
  • Wright State University

If you are interested in becoming a new Active ASL-English member, you must be a graduate of one of the programs listed above.  If an applicant has graduated from a CCIE Accredited Interpreter Education Program then that is automatically equivalent to our Canadian programs. 

We are pleased to welcome active LSQ-French members that have completed the LSQ Interpreter Training Program delivered by UQAM.

Applications for WAVLI Membership

**For interpreters applying to become a member of CASLI and the Affiliate Chapter WAVLI (BC), those applicants must be a graduate of an interpreter education program recognized by WAVLI.  Applications for WAVLI membership from a graduate of a program not listed within WAVLI's Bylaws, even if it is on the CASLI recognized Interpreter Education Program list (above), must have their IEP approved by the WAVLI Board of Directors prior to membership approval.  Please refer all inquiries to WAVLI.

Graduates of an IEP Not Listed Above

If you are a graduate of an IEP which is not listed above (an IEP in the USA, for example), please contact CASLI with the details of the program from which you graduated BEFORE completing an application.  CASLI's International IEP Review taskforce will conduct a review of the program to determine if its learning outcomes are comparable to the standards of the currently recognized programs listed above.  If it is deemed equitable, it will be added to the list above and your application can be processed. 

The criteria the International IEP Review taskforce will be looking at are:

  • Program length
  • Faculty qualifications
  • Accreditation from Commission on Collegiate Interpreter Education
  • Course content
  • Entrance pre-requisites
  • Delivery mode
  • Instruction
  • Relationship with the Deaf community

Applicants Who Are Not a Graduate of an IEP

At this time, CASLI is unable to accept applications from those who are not graduates of an Interpreter Education Program OR meet the criterion to become a Deaf Interpreter. 

If you are not a graduate of an Interpreter Education Program but have experience that could be applied towards credits at an IEP, consider contacting one of the CASLI recognized Interpreter Education Programs directly to inquire about a Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR). CASLI does not offer a PLAR nor do we facilitate the process; this is to be negotiated independently and directly through an IEP (cost to be determined by the IEP). However, upon successful completion of a PLAR and courses required, a person is awarded a diploma or degree (whichever is applicable) and that proof of graduation can be used to apply for CASLI membership.

Request for an interpreter, please click here.

Voice (vrs) / vp: 437-370-8127

Text: 289-988-3397


Canadian Association of

Sign Language Interpreters

PO Box 82524, RPO Ritson Centre,

Oshawa, ON

L1G 7W7